Vivo is preparing to launch the latest smartphone S1 Pro in India next month under the V series. Earlier, Vivo S1 and S1 Pro were launched in China and the Philippines smartphone market with attractive design. According to media reports, the company will introduce Vivo S1 Pro in January 2020. Users will get a display, strong processor and Android 9.0 Pie support in this device. However, the company has not shared official information about the price, launching, and specification of this phone. So let's know about the potential price and specification of Vivo S1 Pro ... The price of Vivo S1 Pro The company had priced the phone's eight GB RAM variant in the Philippines at 15,999 Php (about Rs 22,600). On the other hand, the company can launch this phone in the Indian market with a premium price tag.
Vivo S1 Pro's specification
users will get a 6.38 inch Full HD Plus Super Amoled display on this phone, including Waterdrop Notch. For best performance, eight GB RAM and 128 GB internal storage is supported with the Octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 665 processor. At the same time, this phone works on the Android 9.0 Pie and Funtouch OS 9.2 operating system.
The camera
company of Vivo S1 Pro has a quad-camera setup in the back panel of this phone, which has a 48-megapixel GM1 sensor, an 8-megapixel ultra-wide sensor, 2-megapixel depth lens, and 2-megapixel macro lens. At the same time, users will be able to click a spectacular selfie with this phone's 32-megapixel camera.
Vivo S1 Pro connectivity and battery
In terms of connectivity, the company has given features such as 4G VoLTE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS and USB Type-C port on this phone. In addition, users will get 4,500 mAh battery, which is equipped with an 18-watt fast charging feature. Talking about the specification of
Vivo S1
, this phone will get the Funtouch OS 9, which is based on Android Pie 9.0. Apart from this, this phone has a 6.38 inch Full HD Plus display, which has a resolution of 1080x2340 pixels. Waterdrop notch is provided with the display. Apart from this, the phone will get MediaTek Helio P65 processor, 4/6 GB RAM, and 64/128 GB storage. The phone also has reverse charging. In this case, you will be able to charge headphones and smartwatches with the help of a cable through this phone.
Vivo S1 Pro's specification
users will get a 6.38 inch Full HD Plus Super Amoled display on this phone, including Waterdrop Notch. For best performance, eight GB RAM and 128 GB internal storage is supported with the Octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 665 processor. At the same time, this phone works on the Android 9.0 Pie and Funtouch OS 9.2 operating system.
The camera
company of Vivo S1 Pro has a quad-camera setup in the back panel of this phone, which has a 48-megapixel GM1 sensor, an 8-megapixel ultra-wide sensor, 2-megapixel depth lens, and 2-megapixel macro lens. At the same time, users will be able to click a spectacular selfie with this phone's 32-megapixel camera.
Vivo S1 Pro connectivity and battery
In terms of connectivity, the company has given features such as 4G VoLTE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS and USB Type-C port on this phone. In addition, users will get 4,500 mAh battery, which is equipped with an 18-watt fast charging feature. Talking about the specification of
Vivo S1
, this phone will get the Funtouch OS 9, which is based on Android Pie 9.0. Apart from this, this phone has a 6.38 inch Full HD Plus display, which has a resolution of 1080x2340 pixels. Waterdrop notch is provided with the display. Apart from this, the phone will get MediaTek Helio P65 processor, 4/6 GB RAM, and 64/128 GB storage. The phone also has reverse charging. In this case, you will be able to charge headphones and smartwatches with the help of a cable through this phone.
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